bright xtmmas ornaments

The Charm of a Wine-Inspired Full Artificial Christmas Tree

For those who love wine, you will find that there are tons of people who use wine as the foundation for how they are going to decorate their tree and the surrounding area. For many people, they use their full artificial Christmas trees near their dinner tables, to create one of those holiday-worthy pictures with the elements of wine. How can you use wine to decorate not only your tree but the room in general? Here are a few ideas that you can use with your full artificial Christmas trees and your dinner table!

Unveiling the Beauty of a Wine-Themed Christmas Tree

1. Since wine is such a huge subculture, you are going to find it easy to find tons of ornaments that are wine related that you can hang onto your full artificial Christmas trees. This may include mini wine glasses, small wine bottles, and the like.

2. Take some old wine bottle corks and make your own type of décor to use on your full artificial Christmas trees. You can leave these corks as they are and they can be a great filler for your tree.

3. If your full artificial Christmas trees are going to be near your dinner table, then why not let your artistic side flare and use hand-painted wine glasses on this table. Hand-painted wine glasses are usually painted with acrylic enamel paint that will not fade or crack during use. There is no limit to what you can paint on a wine glass. You can write a seasonal message like “Happy Holidays” or draw a Christmas character or an entire winter scene.

4. Save up your old wine bottles that are in a variety of colors. Then remove the labeling on these bottles with some hot water and dish soap. Once they are dry, you are going to take a string of lights and stuff these into the bottles. You can then use a glass drill bit to drill a hole into the bottom to allow you enough room to remove the plug and place these throughout the room. You will find that during the holidays this is just that little something extra to add to the room. And then you are going to find that this type of décor can stay up throughout the year!

5. Grapes are a huge part of wine, so find lighted grapes that you can hang onto your tree. They are going to be easy to find and will add that wine element.

6. And don’t forget the wine that you can place on the table. You will find that wines come in a variety of colors, flavors, etc. Find those that you love and will serve to the guests in your hand-painted wine glasses to make this a special Christmas event.

With your full artificial Christmas trees decked out in a wine theme, be sure that you schedule some friends and family to come over and have a wine tasting that will be super Christmas fun!